29 February 2012

website address where we can study about cyber crime

Cyber crime has been growing this year. For anticipate this condition, we must know how cyber crime works. Yesterday I followed National Work Shop about cyber crime at UNRI. I got some website address who we can study about cyber crime at this site.
The sites are :
  1. http://devilzcode.org
  2. http://pekanbarucyberteam.net/
  3. http://exploit-id.com/
Actually, much other website is like website above, but in the workshop I only got it. You can still search another website.

26 February 2012

New methods to Study English

I'm not good in English, but I always want to be better. Two days ago, I searched good method to study English. All of them just share the method that can not make me dare. But tonight, I begin with type my keyboard on http://translate.google.co.id.

Open Two tab on browser, make your sentense at one http://translate.google.co.id, English to Indonesia using English and another tab Indonesia to English to find word that you do not know. 

Salary Member of DPR

I just wanna share my opinion. I read at Kompas.com, there was wrote that salary  member of  DPR is Rp.54.907.200. *1.I hear at TvOne news that campaign costs to become member of DPR until Rp. if we calculate the salary  Rp.54.907.200 multiply 12 in one year and multiply 5 year, that equal with Rp.3.294.432.000. This number is so far from Rp.10 M. 

This case, I just calculate the salary. It is impossible the member of DPR do not need eat, etc. If we see the calculation the 5 year salary is not enough to pay campaign costs, So from where they get money to eat, pay campaign costs, etc?

23 February 2012

Mengganti Icon Standar Blogger

Bosan melihat ikon standar blogger?..
kita bisa menggantinya dengan gambar yang kita suka format image nya bisa gif, jpg ico dan sebagainya, gambar tersebut terlebih dahulu harus di upload kamu bisa meng upload image nya di sini photobucket atau tempat image hosting lain nya yang penting bisa di ambil kode url image nya.
Untuk ukuran image kamu bisa gunakan ukuran kira kira 24x42 pixel sampai 32x32 pixel sebenarnya ukuran bebas tapi lebih bagus agar filenya kecil dan mudah terbuka.

Berikut ini langkah langkah nya:

   1. login blogger
   2. Masuk ke Edit HTML
   3. cari kode berikut </head> ( untuk mempermudah gunakan Ctrl+F )
   4. Letak kan kode di bawah di atas kode </head> 
<link href=' http://img98.imageshack.us/img98/9617/image3cr0.gif ' rel='SHORTCUT ICON'/>
  •  Ganti tulisan url image yang warna merah dengan url image yang kamu upload atau dengan image yang ada di bawah ini: 
  1. http://img87.imageshack.us/img87/5862/image1an1.gif
  2. http://img110.imageshack.us/img110/6218/image2ie0.gif
  3. http://i817.photobucket.com/albums/zz91/hansem_x/Blog/ngacir.gif